Monday, January 30, 2012

What if?

I have a strictly theoretical debate for you. What if you had a blog and your husband read it as a cry for attention? What if he promised to pay more attention to you? Do his motives matter?

I, in this purely hypothetical situation, would not want pity. I don't want anyone's "Johnny come lately" attempt at romance. I want you to want to do it. So which is better? Attention out of obligation or no attention at all?

I can't decide

Its tricky because you can't really be sure of anyone's intentions. You can't be sure if someone has had a genuine come to Jesus moment or they are just going through the motions. You just never know.

My instinct, in this purely imaginary scenario that has absolutely nothing to do with me personally, is to reject the attention for the sham that it is. But then what does that get you? Now you are feeling invisible and angry because you think someone is trying to patronize you.

Being a woman sure is hard.

Anyone hear me? Can I get a witness? ...or a Prozac? Because I am obviously in mental distress.


Unknown said...

LOL...just go on the friggin hypothetical date and have some imaginary FUN. You wont regret the patronizing while your feeling spoiled. Let the boy show some pity, you will enjoy it and he will remember how much he does too. ...'Cause yes, this pretend person is going to become very hostile if she doesnt get out of the house soon...and have your period already:)

Christina said...

LOL! You speak the truth...

Jenny S. Morris said...

Speaking from the perspective of someone who is on the other end of this. Don't knock that someone is trying. If they have realized there is something wrong and they want to fix it, that doesn't mean their efforts at the beginning might not be a little forced. Do like Lisa said. Go have imaginary fun until it's real.