Monday, October 10, 2011

My one true love

So since I got the "the sugar" again this time I thought my life was officially over. I mean, I couldn't eat pasta or bread without experiencing a spike in my blood sugar. Nada. Not in moderation either. This baby was just bound and determined to separate me from my true love, carbs. It hasn't been so bad though. I get to eat lots of protein and I have learned the joy of sugar free products. That is total sarcasm for those of you with no experience with the sugar free set. Lets just say you will have lots more time to consider what color you want to paint your bathroom.

I have adjusted my diet accordingly and am on meds for my condition and I hope its enough. I am so stankin close to having this baby. I just have to keep it under control for a few more weeks and then its on. The carb fest will begin. I have already been thinking about what will be on the buffet at my carb reunion. I am thinking a tasty combo of french fries, doughnuts, and ice cream for starters. Then my husband, he doesn't know this yet, is taking me to the Olive Garden where I will promptly gain about ten pounds on mushroom ravioli and seafood alfredo. Oh yeah, I am gonna need about three boats of alfredo sauce to go along with my 2 baskets of bread sticks. If Dan the man can eat anything after watching me gorge myself then he is stronger than I suspected. This is why he can't know my plans. He would never agree to go out in public with me if he knew what to expect.

This won't go on forever though. I will eventually start using my gym membership due to the shame of still only fitting in maternity pants. I will start to balance my diet once again. I may revisit a veggie or two. I can't wait for my carb honeymoon. Yeah I know, the baby will be great too. I will be all hormonal to top it off. How kind of Dan to take time off. He will be fine. I have endured almost 4 pregnancies now. I feel that he owes me this.

Anywho, all I can do is wait now. Wait for baby and wait for my blessed carb reunion. I promise to never leave them again. I will be faithful to my carbs.....unless I get too fat.


Unknown said...

This was funny! ...and disturbing. I think you need a chicken burger. Dont worry, I will eat it for you:)

Christina said...

Thanks! You always got my back ;)