Monday, October 3, 2011


I thought I should post about something I know about. While those categories are endless I can't help but be distracted by my crying toddler. She has decided that she in no way needs a nap today. I don't know when she decided she was the boss and could make these sweeping decisions, but as a good parent I have to show her the error of her reasoning. I am the boss around these parts.

She is slightly over two and the cutest most adorable creature to ever walk the earth.....except when she is not. She seems to be bipolar some days. One minute she is hugging and kissing me and the next she is screaming like someone possessed. One day she lets me sleep in and the next day she is wailing at the crack of dawn. If there is one thing I have learned its that there is no rhyme or reason to toddlers. They do as they please. She doesn't seem to be on board with potty training either. I guess she missed that meeting. As far as she is concerned what we have going is working for her. The problem is, it ain't working for me.

She has also decided she will not eat or try any food that seems unfamiliar......or un-chicken nugget like. She does this sweeping motion with her arm when she is presented a meal that is unsatisfactory. Everything goes in the floor and she is escorted to time out. Of course she screams the whole way to time out. She screams while in time out, but eventually every third Tuesday she will calm down for no predictable reason. Sometimes she will eat bacon and eggs and other morning she demands cereal. She seems to have this talking thing down.

I cannot help but think back to my oldest daughter's terrible 2's. She is now nine and throws fewer fits these days. I can rest assured that she will eventually use the toilet and learn that new foods are not her enemy. Its the benefit of having been there already. So hopefully all this turmoil and upheaval with my current squishy tyrant will mean that my next little girl will be a piece of cake......right?

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