Monday, October 17, 2011

Stress test

It is Monday again. I spent my whole weekend fighting off what seemed to me to be a close encounter with death itself. (Pregnant people can be so dramatic) A cold can be a big deal when you are preggo because everything you would normally take like Nygquil or even Airborne will apparently give your baby a third eyeball and one less toe. That is just a rough estimate, but I have been assured it can get pretty ugly. Luckily my husband took the day off to nurse me back to health. He is usually a horrible nurse. I mean he's no Gaylord Focker. ( I really want to go watch that now) He actually did a pretty good job of taking care of snotty kids and preparing meals. I don't think he is ready to quit his day job though.

So now that I am on the mend I had no reason to miss my non-stress test this morning. I guess my pregnancy his high risk due to the diabetus and such. I have to go in twice a week until my little nugget gets here. I thought this would be no problem. I thought wrong. They expect you to lie perfectly still on your back with these monitors strapped to your belly. It didn't seem like much of a challenge until about 5 minutes in. This was when I realized that this position first thing in the morning brings on the cold sweats and nausea like nobody's business. I desperately needed to sit up or my breakfast was going to come up. Luckily I brought my trusty diet coke and a sip or two cooled me off and staved off the nausea for the remaining few minutes. Needless to say I will come prepared next time. I will have plenty of soda and ice and it shall not leave my grasp.

It was pretty stressful for something named just the opposite. I think maybe they are sitting behind one way glass just waiting to see how long the preggos can take it before they freak out, rip off the monitors and make a break for the toilet. Medical professionals can be so cruel. Well that is all for now. I didn't think your Monday would be complete without a glimpse into my struggles. Your life seems so easy now doesn't it?

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