Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beware the corn maze....

So as most of you know I am the epitome of pregnant right now. I am a round, large, heavy breathing bag of fun. And on the topic of fun, its October. Its time for the pumpkin patch and all those fun Autumnal activities that I hold as sacred as a baptism. The children shall be adorned forthwith in cartooney Halloween t-shirts complete with matching hair bows and earrings for the girls. The boy, well he is lucky he even gets a t-shirt. They don't really have many options when it comes to holiday wear.

I get them all dressed up and take them to the pumpkin patch at least once before Halloween to get all my pictures outta my system. Of course they have a good time too. There is the hay pyramid for climbing, the sandbox full of dried corn for........well I can really see no other purpose for that than getting dirty...... the pony rides, the hay ride and the corn maze. I need to point out here that I am in no way a fan of the corn maze. I have never been, but especially in my bag-o-fun state right now. Not digging it.

I usually avoid it all together by keeping the kids busy with everything else there is to do. Oh yeah, there is a petting zoo too. This year for some reason the husband and oldest girl decided it was time to enter the maze. Could they not see how very pregnant I was? Did they not realize I have already been lugging around my unborn in-utero baby for nearly an hour with no rest breaks. Obviously not. I argued and resisted, but ended up roaming around some muddy maze from hell for about half an hour before Logan joined my side and started a revolt. He was done after about 5 minutes. Dan finally located the "escape hatch" and we exited. Our happiness was short lived because your punishment for taking said "escape hatch" was having to walk around the entire maze to get back to the farm. I have never ever wanted to fake labor more.

So what have we learned? Mama is always right. I thought we all knew that, but some of us needed a refresher I guess. I survived the corn maze only to leave the pumpkin patch empty handed because Lorelai decided the tractor ride out to the pumpkins was not for her. Well there is always the walmarts. I am sure their pumpkins are just as over priced, but the memories.......well they are priceless.

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