Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The drama llama has come to facebook

I recently encountered some cyber drama. Someone.....deleted me on facebook. Now I know what you are thinking. "

Why would anyone ever delete you?

I know I know. But it really happened. Really.

This left me with many unanswered questions. Here they are in no particular order

1. Why would anyone delete me? I am awesome.

2. Who could question my awesomeness especially if we have met in person?

3. What could I have possibly done?

4. Why didn't they just talk to me?

5. Did my profile pic make me look fat?

So while I pondered these questions and stressed about facebook since my life is so small, I came to a conclusion. I may never know. Surely if this person wanted me to know the reasons behind this heinous deleting they would have told me. They would have spoken up. I can only guess and really who wants to go there? I would guess the worst so I decided I would try to guess the best. I would guess things that would not in the end leave me feeling like a loser. Here are a few of my guesses.

1. I am so cool that they couldn't handle my coolness/awesomeness.

2. They have joined the witness protection program

3. Someone hacked into their page.......and only deleted me.......wait a sec

4. I am a dog person and they like cats.

5. They are intimidated by my mad blogging skills

These are just guesses and I am not going to waste anymore of my time worrying about a relationship that obviously wasn't reciprocated. I think I have all but worked this out of my system, but in the future if you decide to delete someone try some empathy. If you are really done with someone at least do the right thing. Break up via text.

1 comment:

NONE said...

I love it!!! Yes I have been in your shoes. Someone that was a really cool friend to me had deleted me and I did the same as you and asked my self why. Well I did some investigating and found that my male cousin had seen a picture of her in my album and he had said he new her and how he said it was in a negative way and I was like how do you know her and I didn't know he had posted and then she had got on and was arguing with him. I did not receive any notifications and I forgot about it. So this is the reason I got deleted and I just let it go.

But I too have deleted people without telling them but I do it for reasons that I am sure they know why I deleted them.