Monday, May 30, 2011

The Jesus complex

I am trying to come to grips with my hesitation about church. I think we have found one, but I am terrified. I don't want to jump in and get burned again. I don't want to get it all wrong and assume I know people only to have them prove me wrong. Is it too much to ask for folks to be real? We are all human and messed up regardless of how well the outside is groomed and dressed. We got issues.
Why do we have to hide from each other?

I think my biggest issue is what I am calling the Jesus complex. Are you ready for this? Hold on tight.

I have been in church since I took my first breath. Both my parents are ministers. I have been to more churches than I can count because I have moved more times than an army brat. I have been to big churches and little churches and something weird is happening. The pastor is not who he appears to be. If he is "successful" and has a large congregation he also has an entourage responsible for his image. So many people willing to throw themselves under the bus for him. They explain away his attitudes and comments when they are offensive and rude. They make excuses for his bad behavior or just completely ignore it. Remember Jimmy Swaggert and Jim Baker? Their entourages concealed their behavior until it overtook them and its still happening.

Some churches go as far as to demand a gag order for their staff so the congregation isn't plagued with the temper tantrums of the pastor or even abuse of the staff. He has to look perfect at all times. This is the Jesus complex. Jesus was perfect, but it doesn't take perfection to lead people to Christ. God knows we can't achieve that in our flesh. That is why it isn't a requirement. What would happen if a pastor would wear his flaws like the rest of us. Wouldn't it be great if I could get Dan to sign a gag order so that he couldn't call me out when I am out of line. Guess what would happen to me? I would begin to think that I am never wrong. We need to be accountable to one another. How can that happen when we are never confronted with our mess?

I think that more people would go to a church where the pastor was truly transparent. Of course everyone gets up there on Sunday morning and says they aren't perfect. So give me an example. Share with me your struggles that you have overcome, but don't pretend like your have arrived. Let me know that you deal with problems and temptation on a daily basis. Let me know how you manage them. That is inspiring to me. We are in this together. I am not looking for a pastor who is beyond reproach and the new incarnation of Jesus. I am looking for a regular guy who is called to lead and is passionate about Christ. A man that challenges me from the pulpit, but doesn't cower behind his staff lest he be found out. God wants us to be real. So what or who is holding you back?


Shayla said...

You really should come to our church one week. It may be what your looking for. Truely.

sarah gutierrez said...

Really enjoyed this one! Its not controversial. Its probly what alotta people need to hear.

Anonymous said...

love the new blog look, or maybe I just always see it in my email box. Unfortunately I have no solution to your situation. LOL. But I am noticing more and more in my own life that the best of a Pastor will point you in the direction of a full fledged relationship with Christ. Which does not mean tiptoeing through the tulips filled with sunshine and solutions to all of our problems, but instead journeying through life filled with a lot of ups and downs, ins and outs, black and white and gray, along with lots of drama and times of boredom.

(I think that's a pretty good quote from your 'older' and 'wiser' aunt. HA! HA! Gotta run, not enough room here for all my famous insight --- and my big head!

Love ya!!!!
guess which one????