Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sumo baby

One of the nurses at my Dr.'s office told me that those babies on the national enquirer are real. You know, sumo baby? She says that is what happens to your baby when you have gestational diabetes and it goes untreated. She told me most of those cases are in countries where they don't have medical care. I thought for sure those pictures were faked, but I guess some of them are real.

I really hate being tested for diabetes. They make you drink this cup of nasty that makes your stomach flip. Then they tell you if you can't keep it down for an hour you have to come back and waste another day. When I think of sumo baby I can somehow muster the strength to hang on to the syrupy sweet drink. I just can't imagine what that would do to my back carrying sumo baby and all. I think you would look like the worst parent on earth. You would for sure be on the news with your face blacked out as they did the latest rant on the obesity epidemic. Your baby would be all the evidence anyone needed to shut down every fast food restaurant. Plus I hear its pretty unhealthy for the baby.

So here I am sitting inside on a lovely day while my kids play outside. That mean little beverage has made me feel like a bag of butt all day long. That doubled with the unnatural heat we are having today has driven me indoors. I don't know if I have gestational diabetes yet. That news comes tomorrow. I had it with baby #3 and it was no walk in the park, but at least I could walk. At least I wasn't carrying 13lb michelin baby.

Its these trade offs that get me. I have to feel sick for about 3 and a half months then go through a super fun C-section, but my prize is so worth it. Two of them are playing in the yard right now looking adorable. I gotta stay focused on the goal. I want the baby. If that means that tomorrow they tell me I get to banish all carbs from my diet and watch my blood sugar like a hawk then I will have to put on my big girl panties and deal with it. It won't be fun, but it won't be forever. That is what I keep telling myself as I sit here missing all the cuteness outside. Everything costs you something. I really hope I am in the diabetic clear. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

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