Saturday, March 5, 2011

Around the house

I have been project crazy for the last few weeks. Its not even spring and I am organizing at a break neck pace. I bought a hard drive so that our computer wouldn't be left out either. Maybe I will relax now that I have so many projects under my belt.....but I doubt it. Anywho, here is what I have been up to.

Well its official now. My baby is not a baby.I didn't expect it to happen this quickly either. Here she is snoozing in her toddler bed. Yes, toddler. That word doesn't roll of the tongue in quite the same way that baby does. I guess they all grow up, but that is because no one consulted me.


Much to my dismay, Logan is also growing up. Here he is with his new bed. It was a craigslist find that I just couldn't pass up. I would have loved a bed like this when I was his age. He loves it too. One bajillion mom points for me.

This is my most recent project. Its our homeschool room. I love it. The table is ikea furniture that Dan the man "modified" to create my vision. I couldn't be happier with it. This is the room that was meant for a formal dining room, but we ain't formal people. We are edjumacted people.

Logan, of course, is always up for a photo shoot. He just can't help himself. The boy loves the spotlight.

Now I need to get to the paint store because I have been sitting still too long.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking good! And I'm an expert cause I'm there all the time!