Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Graduation Day

So, my friend's kid is graduating from boot camp. I keep calling it basic training because I only know Air Force names for things. It is apparently incredibly insulting to call Marine things by Air Force names. Who knew we were so uncool....... well I kinda did.

She is uber excited to see him in all his military glory. He will be a man this time. He will be disciplined and have a hard time engaging in small talk without maintaining parade rest. It will be funny. I can't help but think about my own graduation. Of course it wasn't from anything nearly as tough as Marine boot camp, but I was emotionally scarred by the experience just the same. I was the weenie kid. I bet you would have never guessed. I couldn't do push ups, sit ups, or run unless I was being chased and even then I gave up and decided to be murdered after about ten minutes. I was constantly in fear of being recycled. I came in last on the run.......and everything else so it was quit a triumph for me to be graduating at all.

I stood through my ceremony banging on the bass drum while the other flights marched around looking very polished. Then the worst part happened. It was family time.

I had known my parents weren't coming. They told me they couldn't afford it and I believed them. I didn't realize how big a deal it was until that day was upon me. I had no one to congratulate me or take me out to lunch in town. No one. I sat in the bay and watched all the other girls get their things and excitedly chat about getting off base for the day. I sat until the bay was completely empty. Since I had all this military bearing now the last thing I wanted to do was cry. One girl returned to the bay to get something she forgot and asked me if I wanted to come and hang out with her family. She hated me by the way. She had been my nemesis since day one. She was annoyed at how slow I ran and how I needed help with everything. She was irritated that I cried when the TI's yelled at me. Now she was kind. I must have looked pretty pitiful for her to come back.

The day was uncomfortable as I followed her and her family around while they talked and caught on up life. They gushed about how great she looked and how proud they were of her. Probably all the same things my friend is dying to say to her boy when she sees him. And he deserves it. He has accomplished a lot. He is above the rest.

I am glad he has such a loving family to support him. I am happy they will be there to witness his transformation and shower him with praise. I just hope that in the middle of all their excitement they will look around for the nerdy kid. The kid whose parents couldn't be there and maybe throw some congratulations his way. Maybe even invite him out with them. It would mean a lot to me. And whether he says it or not, It will mean a lot to him.


Unknown said...

This was sweet as it is sad. You either know me pretty well or we think alike in some ways... Before Elih ever left for BOOT CAMP I told him to befriend the underdog and there is no doubt Elih wouldn't gloat around with his family solo knowing his bud(dies) are alone. Im sure we will be congratulating and hosting a few new Marines on family day.

If Only She Had Applied Herself said...

Christy! This is so sweet. You old softy... :-)