Sunday, July 10, 2011

Me and my traveling circus

I met a lady with seven kids the other day and yes I was inspired. All of her children were clean, well dressed and well behaved. They were all sitting patiently in my OB's office. I was going in for a routine baby check up and I was completely stunned to see how well her kids acted. We got to talking about big families and I told her I was expecting my 4th child. I can't imagine being in her shoes. Her oldest was about the age of my oldest as was her youngest. The big difference was she had five in between where I only have one.

I don't come from a big family myself. We were the average American family with 2 kids, a boy and a girl. My parents, however did come from pretty sizeable families. I don't know if its because they were southern or what. I know for my mom's side of the family it just seemed like the thing to do. My dad's side remains a mystery. I have no idea why my Grandma decided to birth so many kids. There are 7 on my mom's side and 6 on my dad's so when I thought about having number 4 it didn't seem too earth shattering. None of my other cousins have had more than three. Most of them have 2.

Its not a competition or anything. I just wonder why as many people don't have large families. Now in my circle of friends everybody has lots of kids. At least 4 or you're not even trying. People say its money, but I don't think either of my grandma's were rolling in the dough. I know I certainly am not. Then other people say they just didn't have birth control. I am pretty sure both my grandma's after their third or fourth child were probably offered birth control. It wasn't that long ago. I think it has more to do with moms working. Its hard enough to raise one or two kids when both parents are working. We would probably be a bit more comfortable if I would stop reproducing and go out and get a job, a sentiment I have often heard from relatives. Truth is I don't want to.

There it is. The truth. I don't want to get a job and not be home all day with the kids. I actually like it here. Not everyone does as I have been told by many of my friends. So if you don't like it then you should go get a job that you do like. There is no shame in that. I want to raise and have babies as long as I can. I never could have imagined how rewarding it could be. I never even wanted kids. I had no idea. Yes we have to make sacrifices and do things a little differently. Yes I choose to homeschool which makes us even weirder. There aren't too many single income homeschooling families out there, but we are growing. I meet more and more each year. We share the belief that children are a blessing and our responsibility to educate and care for. No its not easy and truly not everyone is cut out for it, but I love it. I don't want to do anything else right now. They will be grown and gone before I know it. As for those relatives who can't figure out why I am having so many children well, its because I am blessed. They are the best gift I have ever been given. They are like Christmas.


Cheri-Beri said...

Was her name Heidi St. John by any chance?? LOL

I know I couldn't handle more kids, but I certainly don't think having two kids is the only acceptable parenting plan. I think people who have big families are wonderful!! The saying isn't "the less the merrier." God bless you guys :-)

If Only She Had Applied Herself said...

Good for you!! :-) And the reason your Grandma had 6 kids was no birth control. I heard it straight from the source.