Sunday, May 29, 2011

The high road

I just finished reading this great book. It has really changed the way I think about people and God for that matter. Its called Blue Like Jazz. The author is as real as it gets. He's from Portland and a lot of his stories are built around the local haunts and college campuses. I went and visited his church recently. He isn't the pastor or anything. I don't even think he was there. It was a strange experience for me. Being surrounded by people who didn't have a churchy bone in their bodies. People who came as they were. I was a little out of my element. It was unfamiliar territory.

The message the pastor gave that day rocked my world. He talked about how we shouldn't judge or try be evil demolishers. He made the point that our small minds cannot possibly comprehend what God may be doing or peer into the heart of a man. In other words, we have no idea. We are just supposed to love people. We aren't out to change them. Only God can do that and he certainly doesn't ask us to do things only he can do. We can't rid the world of all evil, but we can take some soup to a sick neighbor. We can cut their lawn if they are laid up. We can give without abandon or worry to his house and his people because we trust.

I must admit this is really a tough command. Just love. Don't fix, judge, criticize, but just offer love and introduce people to Jesus. They don't have to believe or get saved on the spot. He will speak to them and show himself real. We are just supposed to be that light so that people can see a glimpse of something better here on earth. I want to be that way. I want to love people I don't agree with. I want to love people who have hurt or slandered me. I want to be like Jesus. I want to accept people with all their faults and hope they can overlook mine.

I don't think many Christian people do that. I know I didn't experience that growing up in church and my adult time in church has been more of the same. I don't want to give up on people or on churches. I want to be long suffering like him. He is gonna have to help though. The high road is hard to take. I will need supernatural ability for that one. I can only hope that I get it right, or even close. I will extend grace even when I don't want to. Even though I don't get it in return. Lord help me.


Shayla said...

I have been in a more come as you are church and there was a time that I had to learn to just love. And let me tell you, when you do it, it gets easier and it feels a hundred time better. Let me know if you ever want to share about this. I love talking about Jesus!

Christina said...

Thanks Shay!

Unknown said...

This is a good one. God is changing us all, one way or another, he is doing it!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading the blog. I wanted too comment about the we don't change people, God does part. I personally believe that God changes people through people so in a way... we do change people. My family is displaced due to the tornado that ripped our city to shreds. And it is the people showing real, unconditional, wowing kind of love and support that will change neighborhoods who may be hard and angry into warm and receiving people. It is people in need being humbled by being blessed by strangers. It is people watching a family that has lost everything but one another get up and start each day with a smile, a positive attitude, a happy heart and gratefulness to everyone who has made a difference in someone during this so trying time. It is people being big and staying strong when sometimes you really just want to quit. When they say God is love.... doesn't that say much more about his creation of people....when we show real, unconditional love not only in trying times but at all time?! That is love! I love to go to churches where everything isn't so pretty and precious. But the relationships are pure and genuine! People needing one another to strengthen and to hold accountable, to encourage and to love. This is how people change people! Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I wanted *to* not too comment

Christina said...

Thanks so much for your comment Angela. Its good to hear that people are extending kindness to those in need in your area. It gives me hope for the human race.