Friday, March 18, 2011

A rainy afternoon

Most of the time Dan the man doesn't get to do much in the way of homeschooling. It mostly happens while he isn't here. He gets to see the projects and tests on the weekends, but rarely does he get to be a part of the learning. So when he had the idea for a field trip to OMSI I was all for it. OMSI is this big kids science museum we have here. Its a lot of fun for all the little kids and big kids in our family. It just so happens that they are doing a special exhibit about ancient Egypt. Guess which little girl is currently working on a project about ancient Egypt? Yep, Vanessa. It seemed perfect. Dan was even thrifty and got us a coupon. It can get kinda pricey when you have a bajillion kids like we do. The first thing we did was the turbine room. This was Logi's favorite.

Here Logan is building a tower with a ball on top to simulate a water tower. There is a button you push that shakes the platform as if an earthquake were happening. You are supposed to try to build an earthquake proof building. Next was boats. Logan made paddle boats with little plastic pieces that you wound a rubber band around. You spin them up and watch em go!

Lorelai thought they were pretty cool.


Then we went to the Egypt exhibit where Vanessa saw a mummy and lots of artifacts. Of course I have no pictures of that because I was on toddler duty, but here are the kids on a camel.

It feels like you were right there in Egypt, if Egypt were inside a giant building and the camels were stuffed. There were lots of other things like a crane and a giant ear, but if you want to see all that you will have to load up your kidlets and go yourself. I don't want to spoil it for you! This is one of the parts of homeschooling I really love. Its great to be able to just take the whole family out for some fun and learning whenever our schedule opens up. And it was all Dan's idea.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you forgot to take Audrey with you...she IS your student too ya know;)