Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm old YO!

Ok check it. No pictures this week. Do you know why? Its because I am a big old heap of tired. I mean NO energy left. I gave the last of it to Jesus this morning where I was told I did a superfly job on my solo and the national anthem. So you can just practice the reading skills today.

I did actually do stuff. We had a babyshower for a girl at church yesterday that went pretty well. My children told me to go watch tv which means they are probably dismantling some portion of my house, but guess what?! Big old pile of tired does not care. As long as no one is crying I am good. I guess it means that I getting old. I mean I did just turn 29. I am on the expressway to the grave people!

We are well though. I bought Christmas sweaters for the dogs and don't you know that picture is coming. I just have to get the perfect pose and background. I also had midterms this week. I am 2 classes away from my associates in information technology. Information technology = computers
Just in case you were wondering. Not that I will have any brain left when I do decide to go back to work and earn billions of dollars. I am still taking piano lessons. I am hoping to get a piano soon and play Christmas songs this year and force whatever relatives show up to sing. That is what you get. Love it! We will sing until Santa comes. For now I am just going to go bother the children who don't want me around. Aren't they supposed to be teenagers before they start telling me to go away. I am fun! I am cool! Well maybe not...... but I am their mom so they can deal. Peace out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are not just needed a nap. You're a busy lady, which means you get exausted at times. Happens to the best of us.