Today we swim, well Vanessa tried to and Logan convinced me that waterproof mascara ain't so water proof. His favorite part was the hokey pokey. He splashed and sang. He enjoyed jumping. They both seem to naturally take to the water. Logan took some convincing this summer, but since then he has been a little fish.

I think I had more fun at merbabes than Logan did. I was happy to see him smiling amongst all the screaming babies whom I can bet are a lot of fun at bath time. Not Mr. Logan. He kicked his little feet, but the arms we will have to work on. Then it was playtime and Mr. Logan found a boat to sail.
Vanessa is fearless in the water. She volunteers to try everything first. She is convinced she can already swim and uses her lessons to show off her expertise. Just getting her to pay attention to the teacher is difficult because as you can see she already knows this stuff.
Oh and we can't forget the sleepover. It was all she hoped it would be. She is sporting her crown and various jewelry items she made. Logan would not have a picture without him in it. She didn't sleep which was evident after the fit she threw in the locker room over her towel being wet after swim class. She said her teacher snored really loud and she did not sleep at all. Upon hearing her crying in the car Logan asked for an explanation. When I informed Mr. Logan that Vanessa was upset about her towel his response was a sobering " Oh my God". I swear it was the most pitiful thing. A two year old shaking his head at a 6 year old tantrum, but that is classic Logan. I fully believe he meant it and knew what he was saying. After we all regained our composure, it was time for a happy meal and a nap. Fun stuff.

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