Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday is a long day

Sunday is a long day. In fact it feels like 2 days rolled into one. We get up very early get hurried breakfasts and into the car we go. I lead worship today, and I am glad it's over. It was kind of intimidating in front of all those people really hoping you don't mess up, but it actually was fun and not half as nerve racking as I thought. It suprised me how natural it felt, maybe I am cut out for this. Anywho, this is Hannah, as in Hannah Montana. Vanessa named her. She is the most recent addition to our family and this is her good side.
We played outside like we do most days when the weather is tolerable. Today was perfect though. It was sunny and windy, but not too much. Vanessa is really getting the hang of her new bike even if it is twice her size. Mr Logan played in his car as usual and was on the hunt for some fall leaves. He demanded I take a picture of this one
........and this one. He then tucked them into his car and drove off until tragically the wind carried them off again. He recovered quickly after finding a rock that I explained I would not be taking a picture of. We have enough leaf pictures and I can see the value in that, but I am not in need of any pictures of rocks.

We also played in the sand box/pool. I am all about recycling and Hannah's plastic pool makes an excellent sand box. Vanessa decided that she should bury her feet, which alarmed Logan at first. Then he decided the rest of her needed burying too.

After that we were accosted by some rogue bumble bee and decided that our outdoor fun was over. We came inside and made a craft and Logan got to color with markers. Vanessa opted for crayons. They made police cars with pom poms for lights. They have sufficiently worn me out and I am on my last cup of coffee for the day. I couldn't have asked for a nicer day, and the best part is I get to do it all over again tomorrow.

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