Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Please help me

Things are happening that are out of my control. It may be that I am pregnant. I am sure that is my husband's vote. It may be the fact that I haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks. That can surely cause some instability. I can't put a sentence together and what comes out of my mouth is even further from my intentions than my scrambled thoughts. Yes, yes I did just tell my kid to pick up those toys and put them in the fridge.....or the trash...... You know what if they weren't laying around everywhere we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I can't handle my husband's messiness either. I have made it an 11 year career of just picking up after him and throwing away things he thinks he needs. And guess what? He has never noticed, but I am starting to. Maybe its the fact that just one trip up our staircase leaves me breathless, but if I have to look at his pile of clothes on the floor for just one more second I am going to light them on fire. We have a fire pit and I am sure it can burn clothes just as easily as wood. He would learn then. Plus there would be less laundry.

I can't sweep the floor without being in intense pelvic pain. Something about the motion just sets my joints on fire so of course the floors are disgusting. Do you think anyone cares? Of course not. No one around here has their priorities in order. I have to wait for Dan to go extinguish his clothes before he can sweep. Forget about asking a kid to do it. I might as well just move the dirt around with my foot and call it good.

I can't sleep either. I am so stuffed up at night and during the day I can barely breathe. So here I am suffering while my family neglects me. I don't know why they don't want to be around me. I would be perfectly pleasant if people would stop leaving crap in the hallway upstairs and don't even get me started on the kitchen counters. If I see one more paper or toy left on the counter I am gonna throw it in the fridge!

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