Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to lose your child at the space needle

With my cousin in town we decided to head up to Seattle and go walk around like proper tourists. The weather was gorgeous and Pike's was super busy so we decided to have lunch before heading over to the space needle. Once we got there we realized that there was a long line not to mention how expensive it was. We agreed though that for those reasons we would probably not be back anytime soon so we succumbed and coughed up close to 80$ to ride to the top.

I had the idea that I would wait at the bottom with baby. She is 2 and waiting in lines doesn't even make her top 5, but Dan convinced me that it was now or never. Of course she would be fine and probably like it too. So against my better judgement I parked my stroller and got in line.

It was horrible. She screamed and pitched a fit the entire time. People were staring and I was beginning to sweat. Why do I ever listen to him! We finally managed to get on the elevator and amazingly as we started our ascent she calmed down and took in the view. It was short lived however because the minute we exited the elevator she started up again. I was flustered and embarrassed, but tried to keep my cool. She hadn't had a nap that day and well......she's 2. Dan volunteered to walk around with her to try and calm her. The other 2 were looking out the large windows at downtown Seattle so I found a chair and sat down.

Vanessa and my cousin walked over to the table and started talking to me, but something was missing. Where was Logan!? I started to panic when I looked where he was standing just minutes before and he was gone. My eyes darted around the busy observation deck. There were so many people and he was so small. Just then I heard Dan yell my name as he walked toward me. He came walking up holding baby's hand on one side and Logan's on the other. He was just as panicked as me. He said Logan just came walking up to him when he rounded the corner and said he didn't know where I was. My heart sank. Did I really almost lose my 5 year old? I was so frazzled and tired that I had taken my eyes off of him for seconds. That is apparently all it took.

After having a very stern talk about wandering off and staying put when you don't know where you are I had a thought. I really believe it was a God thought. It went something like this.

"See, you can't do this by yourself. You can't stop things from happening. You need me".

All at once I was so grateful that I was not alone. I may have looked away, but God never did. In the hugest of coincidences he had led Logan right to Dan. It was all a very scary lesson, but I got it loud and clear. I am just doing my best, but by no means am I in control. I can't even keep him from wandering off at the space needle. I can so easily be distracted, but I am ever thankful that God watches and screaming 2 year olds don't throw him off his game. Its a lesson I hope I don't ever have to repeat. They are ultimately his and he is doing a far better job keeping them than I ever could.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good stuff. Lesson #47 of 5,639,876,126:)