Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mind your own baby

While I am sitting here feeling like poo I am rethinking this whole baby thing. Of course I want more babies, but I could have adopted ya know? No vomitous headache ridden days and nights for me that route. I have a friend who just had her second baby. Here I sit waiting it out on number four. It amazes me. It really does.

I remember all the well intended nosy butt advice everyone gave me from breast feeding to even holding the baby too much. Bah! I figured it out on my own because guess what? Every baby is different. I don't care if someone else's baby walked out of the womb over to the toilet and used it the day it was born. My kids will do what they do when they do it. I am no longer in a hurry like I was with my first anxiously awaiting every milestone with camera in hand. Things have changed quite a bit.

People told me not to hold the baby too much. Well now I own a pricey carrier so I can tote that little bundle all over only putting them down to change a diaper. The baby is happy. I am happy and I get to smell baby head all day long. I also will potty train when it suits me. I had people telling me about books that could teach my 9 month old to potty. Well when you have three diapers aren't that much of an inconvenience. I am sure all my kids will be potty trained, pacy broken, and on solid food before college. If they even go due to the fact I have chosen to socially cripple them by homeschooling.

So when I think about my friend with both her babies now sleeping in her bed and her husband exiled to the couch I kinda laugh. Yeah it may be stressful, but they don't want to sleep in your bed and snuggle when they are nine. They want your laptop...not your lap. So I think its ok. I am sure she will find a way that doesn't break her heart to reconcile the whole sleeping matter. I will carry my babies around as long as I can. I will diaper them and give them pacifiers and bottles and enjoy their littleness. This may be my last baby so you better believe I am gonna spoil him or her rotten.....just like I spoiled the others. Thats the way it should be. You should grow up knowing your mom would keep you forever if she could because you are the bestest smartest sweetest person ever to walk this earth. Amen.

1 comment:

Ericka said...

Love this one! Its so true... enjoy every second and savor the moments. As I dropped my son off for his last day of jr high a flood of memories came back. He was such a chubby baby, I rocked him to sleep and sang to him for almost 2 years, we went to toddler time at the library. I have loosened up with my kids over the years and stopped taking advice I don't need. Im laying in bed right now next to my 4 year old as he drifts off to sleep holding my hand, cuddling close, with a binky in his mouth. He is happy secure and so loved. My babies, my way.