I hate when people label a whole chunk of time. It gets me irritated when people say they have had a bad year or week or something ridiculous like that. The only reason anyone would be so remiss is if they did not have their eyes open. We are sprinkled with small blessings and beautiful moments even on the worst of days. I am thankful at the close of this year for those things and the people who have brought them into my life. Every year we are alive is a "good year".
Who can get frustrated potty training a 2 year old when they make faces like this? He was trying to pucker his lips to kiss me.....while on the potty. I will take what I can get. I am in no hurry for him to grow up.
How can anyone get angry at a 6 year old with cabin fever when they are this excited about snow? I have never seen anyone so mesmerized by snow. Just to see her running like a wild person and falling down makes me smile. Not to mention shots like this where she reminds me she is just a kid.
Yes he works all the time, but he did take a running jump into the snow so I could take this picture. That is dedication. He always does his best and that is more than I can ask for. I am thankful for it.
Henry has a myriad of issues. He panics, barks, pees and snarls at the kids occasionally, but here he is looking adorable. He is hugging his most prized possession in the world. I just want to hug him.

And our newest addition patiently waiting for her new toy. She is bouncy and insecure, but the sweetest dog you will ever meet. Everyone in this bunch asks a lot out of me, but they give back so much in return. I am so happy to have had them for another whole year and I can't wait to see what they will do in the new year. I am also blessed to add to the family. This wasn't just a good year, it was a blessed year.
1 comment:
This is a fabulous way to look at life and the picture's are awesome! I am glad you are happy. =)
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