They had fun and liked the eating part the best. I eventually had to take the cookies away or they would have eaten them all right there. We also went to the grotto. There is a Catholic church here that strings lights and nativity type decorations all over their property. They say they have over a million lights. It was gorgeous.

I wish Vanessa had smiled. Logan sure gave it all he had. She was eating or drinking in almost every picture I took. Whatever.

Here are all the kids looking cute. They had a blast. They watched a puppet show and there was also a petting zoo with a llama named Milo. Milo and Dan were quite close. I am almost positive that llama wanted Dan's tasty looking hat. Every time he looked up that llama was in his face trying to kiss him. Dan is the llama whisperer.

Low maintenance for the next nine months - am I missing something? Are you pregnant??? I MUST know :-)
The cookies are so cute!
The cookies look awesome! I love that you give them projects to do. You are the best mommy! The lights look so pretty, I am sure they were amazing in person.
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