Monday, October 13, 2008

It is not a "party"

So I did not throw Dan a party on his birthday. The event that follows with cake and balloons and guests may resemble a party, but it is not. NOT. Dan the man does not "do" parties. He is apparently too cool or has been damaged somewhere in his childhood concerning parties. I do not know, so I hosted a gathering with a few friends to discuss community issues over cake. This picture of Hannah appropriately conveys Dan's attitude toward parties.
Out of all the un-party goers I think the fur people took the best picture. Dan and his sister come in a close second, but it is still second to the fur.
At his un-party Dan behaved very badly, shamelessly mugging in other people's pictures and not taking the whole event seriously. This is Eric and Mauni and to both of you I am sorry. I cannot fix what his mother didn't.
I am sure had he been around he would have tried to impose himself on this lovely picture of Alex and Erin, but luckily he was elsewhere at the time.
This was his cake of choice, cheesecake. He has the same one every year. He is truly a creature of habit.
The tasteless behavior continued all through the evening. He just can't act right. I tried to get a nice shot of him blowing out the candle, but you can see how that went. I am working with amateurs here.

The other un-party goers seemed to enjoy themselves. This is Dan's mom hanging out with the little ones. They only came out for cake and then returned to the kids rooms to play.

All said it was a very enjoyable "gathering". Dan acted as if he was at a party regardless of the title. It must be so sad to be bound by labels. Maybe next year I can throw him a party and call it such. Either way I think he had a good birthday. Thanks to everyone that came.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your tone through out this entire is just perfect. =) Happy bday to Dan!